Engineering Solutions

Engineering Solutions

Hawkes Fire has a design & build function within our engineering workshops for bespoke solutions to ensure the site requirements are delivered.


Products include

Foam proportioning systems

Fixed/skid frame or containerised. High volume flow rates installed with high-capacity foam tanks and zoned electrics.

Fixed fire pumps to NFPA or BSEN standards

High pressure / high volume pumps

Capacities from 500lpm to 30,000lpm. Skid or trailer-based.

Monitors fixed of high-volume trailer units

Capacities up to 30,000lpm

Hose laying trailers

Combined with Hose retrieval systems.

Modifications to existing fire trucks

Select a truck & we’ll modify it to your specification.

Bespoke hydrants to enable the use of a high-volume hose.

Get in touch with us

Alternatively, call us on
+44 (0)1642 791022