Aqueous Film Forming Foam
Synthetic Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) concentrates are best for extinguishing and securing flammable hydrocarbon liquid fires. AFFF uses selected fluorinated and hydrocarbon surfactants to allow a good formation of an aqueous film on the surface of most hydrocarbon fuels, suppressing vapor leaks and preventing its contact with the oxygen while providing an excelling seal on hot surfaces. Its formulation allows excellent oil repellence, fluidity and burnback resistance.
Browse our range of High Performing AFFF products below
AQUAFILM™ AF-1R is specifically designed to fight all type of Class B fires (hydrocarbon) as well as Class A fires. Its excellent AFFF properties give this product an effective and rapid knockdown of the fire when fighting non-miscible flammable liquids.
CERTIFICATIONS: EN-1568-3:2008 (class 1B with fresh water and class 1A with sea water). The product passes LASTFIRE protocol for extinction of hydrocarbons in tanks, with in the 3 tests: semi-aspirated, aspirated and system nozzles on fresh (G/G/G) and sea water (A/A/G).
AQUAFILM™ AF-3S+ is specifically designed to fight all type of Class B fires
(hydrocarbon) as well as Class A fires. Its excellent AFFF properties give this product an effective and rapid knockdown of the fire when fighting non-miscible flammable liquids.
CERTIFICATIONS: EN-1568-3:2008 (class 1A with fresh water and sea water)