

Dry-Flo® was developed to solve one of industry’s great paradoxes: testing water deluge systems without water, and this matters.
  • It matters because water deluge testing is a root cause of billions of dollars in corrosion related maintenance spending, every year.
  • It matters because this maintenance is a preventable source of carbon emissions.
  • And it matters because water deluge testing can corrode and block the pipework & nozzles of a deluge system, stopping it from delivering what is needed, when it is needed; protection to your people and plant.

We believe that prevention is better than cure – with Dry-Flo® it comes as a safer, greener and simpler solution.

Deluge Testing

Dry-Flo® is a DNV GL certified technology that uses controlled airflow to verify performance of water deluge systems to NFPA® 15 & 25 guidelines.

Wireless Pressure Sensors are installed at select deluge nozzles and transmit airflow pressure data (via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi signal) to a Dry-Flo® Test Tablet. Dry-Flo® proprietary software then calculates a virtual liquid flow rate at each nozzle and awards a system pass / fail in  real-time based on input design or operating performance requirements.

Dry-Flo® quantifies and highlights the location of any anomalies in all future tests, enabling targeted inspection of pipework & nozzles to be undertaken and corrective maintenance performed where required.


  • Meets and exceeds NFPA® 15 & 25 testing guidelines, ensuring the safety of your personnel and protecting your asset
  • Significantly reduces corrosion related maintenance spending and its associated carbon footprint
  • Prevents operational downtime associated with water ingress damage to electrical equipment
  • Provides enhanced system performance data that enables streamlined maintenance planning
  • Demonstrates superior risk mitigation for lower insurance premiums
  • Reduces water consumption and eliminates wastewater treatment & disposal costs
  • Reduces test time by up to 75%