Tridol C6 ATF C

Tridol C6 ATF C contains a combination of hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon surface active agents. It produces a vapoursealing aqueous film that spreads over hydrocarbon fuels to provide rapid control and extinguishment. On polar solvents an insoluble polymer membrane is formed which protects the foam blanket from the destructive effects of the solvent.

  • Versatile, eliminating the need to stock a variety of foam types.
  • Film-forming on hydrocarbons for fast flame knockdown and extinguishment.
  • Good burnback resistance and postfire security.
  • Foam blanket re-seals when ruptured by personnel or equipment.

TridolC6 ATF C is available in 3-3 and 3-6 formulations.


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Technical Documents

Tridol C6 ATF C 3-3

Tridol C6 ATF C 3-6

Tridol C6 ATF 3-3 LT

Tridol C6 ATF 3-6 LT