Film Forming FluoroProtein (FFFP)

Just like the FluoroProtein (FP) foam concentrates Film forming Fluoroprotein foams are based on advanced protein foam technology and are ideal for extinguishing and securing flammable hydrocarbon liquid fires.  FFFP foams have the additional advantage that they can be used unaspirated due to their ability of film formation.  The protein base provides a tough cohesive foam blanket with high resistance to heat that quickly smothers, cools, and seals the risk, and the film formation ability brings rapid knockdown.

Film forming Fluoroprotein foams are ideal to use in high risk situations where hydrocarbons (such as aviation kerosene, crude oil, gasoline, and diesel fuel) are stored, processed, or transported. They are used extensively on Rapid Intervention Vehicles at major international airports and military bases where fast extinguishment and postfire security with limited quantities of foam concentrate are essential.


Angus Fire manufactures the world’s leading film forming fluoroprotein foam for airport fire services: Petroseal C6